Recomendations for female cissexual escorts

Call Me To Play. Site created by de astns for the defense of the rights of sex workers in Switzerland

Dear escorts,

Sex work is a job and as in any job, there are things to learn before you start. Prostitution is not like making love in one’s private life! The SexopraxiS center in Lausanne gives classes to practice sex work safely and by teaching tips and tricks to know in this business.

Many young escorts who had setbacks and report them in the associations often exclaimed :  » If only I had known! »

That’s why the fairsexwork recommendations are usefull (you’ll find it also on the Aspasia website).

These recommendations are there to make your professional life easier. Sex work is a difficult activity and it is important to practice it with the utmost judgment and with the least possible risk.

  • In Switzerland, the practice of prostitution is legal. Each canton has a law specific to the practice of sex work. In most cantons, you must be in possession of a residence permit and registered by the police.
  • Do not accept verbal abuse, physical abuse, or humiliation if they are not part of a benefit and they are not « played « .
  • In case of aggression, go to the police to file a complaint! This step is not always easy. Ask for help from a close person or association such as Aspasia, Fleur de Pavé or Griselidis.
  • Be aware of your limits, do not accept a practice that disgusts you. Do not promise the customer what you will not accept later!
  • Do not advertise on the Internet with a photo that is not yours. This will disappoint the customer if you do not meet his expectations and it may expose you to setbacks.
  • Respect the rates shown and do not try  » to scam « the customer by promising him a low price and increasing it when he / she is in front of you: this could make him / her aggressive and violent .
  • Explain to the client that it is best not to kiss with the tongue. Many sexually transmitted infections or STIs are carried by saliva, including syphilis, chlamydia and herpes.
  • Think carefully before making the decision to practice unprotected oral sex! For personal reasons, some escorts practice natural blowjob (oral sex without condom but without ejaculation in the mouth). This practice, although not transmitting HIV / AIDS, still transmits diseases such as chlamydia, syphilis, mycoplasma and ureaplasma . These diseases can have a major impact on your fertility, your health, and those around you.
  • Protect your health, use a condom for any penetration.
  • Always clean and disinfect your dildos and other work tools (forceps, handcuffs, whips). Always change any razorblades and probes after each use.
  • Make sure a colleague always knows where you are and with whom. If this is not possible, make believe that you are not alone [radio, tv, etc …].
  • Never wear a scarf, tight jewelry around your neck or earrings. An ill- intentioned client could seize it.
  • Respect the professional secret and never call back a number after a missed call. You could embarrass the client.
  • Never steal a client. This gives a bad image of sex work and will only bring you in trouble.
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