Whether you are a client or a sex worker, you will find on this page all the information you need to continue offering / buying coronasafe sexual services during this period, but also information concerning your administrative rights and recommendations to stay healthy during this crisis.


How to protect myself from coronavirus?

In this pandemic season it seems important to know the main modes of transmission of the new coronavirus.

Here they are:

  • During close and prolonged contact: when you are within 2 meters of a sick person for more than 15 minutes. This is why sex work is prohibited by the confederation. On the other hand, online services such as a webcam or sex phone are completely safe.
  • By droplets: if a sick person coughs or sneezes, the viruses can directly reach the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth or eyes of other people.
  • By aerosols: many cases of clusters (choirs, buses) seem to indicate that when a sick person is in a confined space where ventilation recirculates the same air, the risk of infection to others is high.
  • Via the hands: the contagious droplets expelled during coughing or sneezing are found on the hands. Viruses can also be found on a touched surface. They reach the mouth, nose or eyes when touched.

Here’s how to protect yourself…

Rules and urgent measures to be taken:

  • In the event of symptoms *, do not work, get tested and stay at home,
  • Stop sex work in the cantons that prohibit it and surround yourself so as not to be alone during confinement.

In the cantons allowing prostitution:

  • Not to have paid sex with a client who presents symptoms * and conversely, not to have paid sex with a sex worker who presents symptoms,
  • Wash your hands before and after each encounter, with water and soap or hydroalcoholic gel,
  • Take a shower before and after each encounter if possible,
  • Use condoms for all sexual practices,
  • Air the room, and above all change the sheets and towels between each client. Wash them at 60 ° C,
  • Clean the accessories between each client,
  • Regularly clean surfaces (door handles, bells, tables, etc.) with alcohol and remove unnecessary objects that customers may touch (magazines, etc. …),
  • Have a closed bin available to throw away masks, handkerchiefs, condoms, Empty it once a day,
  • When not having sex, keep a distance of 1.5 meters and wear a mask,
  • Do not accept trios or +,
  • Keep the telephone numbers of customers and give them your professional number so that they can be notified in case of infection. Inform them that their contact details will be destroyed 14 days later,
    In the event of symptoms *, contact by phone a doctor OR the associations, OR make an appointment at a collection and screening center.

COVID-19 sampling centers and recommendations by canton Romandie:

You can also read and distribute the following posters to your close friends and family:
-rumantsch: PDF
-shqip (albanais): PDF
-اَلْعَرَبِيَّة (arabe): PDF
-官話 / 官话 (mandarin): PDF
-português (portugais): PDF
-srpski jezik (serbe): PDF
-español (espagnol): PDF
-türkiye (turc): PDF
-தமிழ் (Tamoul): PDF
-فارسی (Farsi): PDF
-kurmancî (Kurmanji): PDF
-af-Soomaali (Somalien): PDF
-ትግርኛ (Tigrinais): PDF

If I continue to work in a canton allowing it despite the covid…

The more partners we meet the more we spread the Covid-19. Also, it is still a good idea to limit the number of partners you see, and this is true for sex work. Also, focus on regular customers who can visit you often over single and multiple customers. Let go of the idea of ​​group sex for now.

During the sexual encounter, it is a matter of avoiding the virus, and in order to do that, we will try to help you locate it. Nothing better than knowing where the enemy is.

The coronavirus seems to affect the back of the throat, the bronchi, the lungs but also the entire digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus. The virus is also found in the blood system (endothelial cells) and the nervous system. Also, it seems very reasonable to:

-wash well before with soap for 20 seconds all over the body before and after sex, paying particular attention to washing the perineum, face and hands. If you do not have a shower available, disinfect your hands well before and after the meeting,
-do not expose yourself to your partner’s saliva or postilions while wearing a mask. If you are unable to wear a mask, make sure that your faces are not facing each other,
-avoid kissing your partner on the mouth,
-do not practice uncovered fellatio which anyway could transmit syphilis, chlamydiae, gonnorrhea and hepatitis B,
-do not perform anilingus or touch the sex of the active partner after sodomy or disinfect your hands once this condom has been removed,
-refuse covered fellatio after anal sex; the virus is found on the latex,
-do not perform uncovered blowjobs after removing the condom of anal sex, the virus can very well be found in pubic hair,
-using condoms or dental dams may reduce the risk of contact with saliva or faeces, especially with oral or anal sex,
-wash your sex toys with soap and hot water and your hands if they have touched these post penetration sex objects,
-disinfect keyboards and touch screens you share with others,
-for each new customer make sure to give him a clean towel and change the bed sheets: the virus can settle on surfaces and be transmitted in this way,
-you can also disinfect what the customer may have touched such as the door handles,
-remove all superfluous objects that customers might touch such as magazines for example,
-if you notice that your client has symptoms like a cough, fever or cold, explain to him that it is safer to give up your meeting and send him home,
-ask your clients to tell you if they have symptoms within 14 days of your meeting,
-keep the phone numbers and contact them too if you get sick after your appointment,
-since covid is transmitted by droplets, be sure to clean your floor regularly,
-ventilate the workspace after each client.
-keep both your masks on throughout the encounter and instead of kissing and having missionary sex, try erotic massages, mutual masturbation and watch your partner have pleasure! When it comes to penetration, use the spoon, the doggy style, the inverted andromache or the chisel or the cart.

If you or your client has respiratory disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or immunosuppression, such as uncontrolled HIV infection with less than 200 CD4 cells or immunosuppression, you may need to refrain from exposing yourself while having sex.

How to offer online erotic games in cantons that prohibit prostitution ?

Since the start of the second wave of COVID-19, several cantons have already banned cultural events, restaurants, nightclubs and … prostitution.

As of 05/11/20, the cantons of LU, GE, FR, VS, JU, NE have already banned prostitution. In these cantons, you will have to work online. To signify that you have converted to online sex services and to keep your ad active on callmetoplay, activate the “Coronasafesex” badge.

Currently the only way to buy sex in accordance with the law is to practice online sexual games only. Certainly, will skin contact be missed by the many, but it definitely is an opportunity to explore other facets of your sexuality and evoque fantasies.

How to work remotely?

– Webcam

How it works ?
You can offer meetings by video, either to your regular customers who still want to see you, or to new customers who want to discover you. The webcam sessions are mainly based on exhibitionism and voyeurism. When the customer contacts you via your ad, you agree on the time and duration of the appointment. You then give him a link to a payment method and once the money is on your online pot, you send him your skype ID to start the appointment.

What do I need to get started?
It is possible to offer sex sessions remotely through the camera of your computer or by buying a good quality webcam. If you have a smartphone you can also make video calls by whatsapp or zoom for example. Remember to arrange the place where you are going to sit /lay during the sex chat so that the background does not reveal too much of your private life.

Concretely what do I do?
Go to the page to edit your profile: you can indicate if you want to offer meetings by webcam. This will display a CoronaSafeSex sticker on your profile.
Modify your advertisement so as to explain clearly what you are offering during an appointment. For example: dancing, striptease, petting yourself, telling your fantasies, cleaning up in your underwear or even just chatting! Feel free to be creative: right now, all the codes of the profession are to be reinvented and you can take the opportunity to test things that are fun for you.

What prices to offer?
We encourage you to stay close to your regular rates. It is not because you can no longer touch your clients that your work has less value, on the contrary you will even have to develop new skills and the clients are always so numerous, it is just that they are stuck behind their screen just like you!
If you choose to sell meeting time, no matter what you do during this time, you can take as a reference an average price of 100.- for 15 minutes and adapt according to your offer and your personal sensitivity. If you want to sell services instead, you can make different prices for a striptease, masturbation…etc.

Which video platforms to use?
If you don’t want to use whatsapp, you can create a (free) account on a site to make video calls like skype or zoom for example. Just enter your email address (which will be visible to your customers) and a nickname. It’s very easy and we’ll explain it all to you in the video below.

How do I get money?
The quickest and most anonymous way is to create a kitty online, for example on the sites:
However, we draw your attention to the fact that these sites have tend to close the accounts of the people who use them to sell sexual services, thus losing the money found there… We therefore recommend that you regularly transfer the money from your money pot to a bank account to avoid excessive financial risk.
When you have agreed on the terms of the meeting, you will only have to give the link to your kitty. It will only take a few minutes for you to see the money received in your account: then you will be able to start the appointment by webcam!

What to pay attention to when working by webcam?
The main danger is that your client films or takes photos of you during the appointment. It is very important to think about the anonymity you want to keep regarding your work. To protect yourself you can for example orient the camera so that the spectator does not see your face and your body at the same time when you show yourself in more sexual situations. It is also possible to never show your face on the screen or to hide your face with a mask or wig or even glasses with large frames for example.
Be as honest as possible: honor your appointment when you have received the money, do not finish before the end of the term of what the client has paid for, do not lie about what you propose to do. Sooner or later the ban on meeting will be lifted and it could backfire …

Another question ?
Do not hesitate to write to us via the contact form and we will guide you as best as possible in this professional transition!

– Sex phone

How it works ?
The purpose of telephone meetings is to arouse your partner just with your voice. It’s a great way to keep in touch with your regular customers and another way to connect with new ones. This is the ideal way if you want to preserve complete anonymity. Once the appointment is made and the duration fixed, you can send your payment information to your client and you can start the appointment when you have received the money.

What do I need to get started?
A phone number is enough to make a pink phone, on the other hand it is necessary to speak French well enough if you work in Romandie (or one of the other national languages depending on the region where you are).

Concretely what do I do?
Go to the page to edit your profile: you can indicate that you now work by sex phone. Therefore, you can display a CoronaSafeSex sticker on your profile.
Modify your advertisement so as to explain clearly what you are offering during an appointment. For example: discussing everything and nothing, reading erotic texts, describing how you make yourself orgasm by telling how you pet yourself and what it makes you feel, telling the client how to masturbate, telling your fantasies… Don’t be shy, be creative : at the moment all the codes of the profession are to be reinvented and you can take the opportunity to test things that amuse you.

What prices to offer?
We encourage you to stay close to your regular rates. It is not because you can no longer touch your clients that your work has less value, on the contrary you will even have to develop new skills and the clients are still as many: they are simply stuck behind their screen like you!
You can also offer different prices, for example your usual price and a lower price: you are independent and your customers will certainly understand the delicate situation in which you find yourself with the new regulations, some will surely wish to remain correct by paying your standard price. Anyway, we recommend that you do not go below 60.- for 15 minutes of erotic conversation.

How do I get money?
The quickest and most anonymous way is to create a kitty online, for example on the sites:
However, we draw your attention to the fact that these sites can end up closing the accounts of the people suspected to sell sexual services. We therefore recommend that you regularly transfer the money from your kitty to a bank account to avoid losing your wages.
When you have agreed on the terms of the meeting, you will only have to give the link to your kitty. It will only take a few minutes for you to see the money on your account and to start the appointment by phone!
You can also create a adult phone numbers starting with 0906 that will automatically charges your customer 2.50 .- / min. You can find all the information on how to get such a number on the following website :

What to pay attention to?
The risk would be that customers who call you on your usual phone to get your 0906 phone number would make you talk for free and ultimately not pay you. Be careful not to enter into sexual details when you discuss with them the terms of the appointment.

Another question ?
Do not hesitate to write to us via the contact form and we will guide you as best as possible in this professional transition!

How to stay sound of mind while confined ?

Being confined overnight and seeing all your lifestyle disrupted by a pandemic is an extremely stressful and anxiety-provoking experience. We suggest ways to make this period go as smoothly as possible, whatever your situation.

Keep a structure
The human body particularly appreciates having a certain routine in its daily rhythms. Be careful to keep a regular schedule during your bedtime and waking hours as well as when taking your meals. Remember to plan a program for your day so as not to find yourself completely destitute without knowing what to do. It’s important to alternate the types of activities you’ll do during the day to meet all of your needs. For example, find a moment towork, a moment to relax, a moment to please yourself, a moment of physical activity, etc. As much as possible, keep the relationship as « normal » as possible to your daily life by preserving your rituals or creating new ones. For example, dress and make up / shave / style according to your habits even if you are alone or you do not leave the house.

Anxiety management
When a situation particularly stresses us, it is normal to try to control it, for example by wanting to know as much as possible about the epidemic in progress. The risk is to bombard our brain with far too many anxiety-provoking information which will make the situation worse. Force yourself to limit yourself to taking information at most twice a day and prefer reliable sources rather than social networks.
You can also write your sources of fear on a piece of paper and think about what you need to reassure yourself point by point. This method has the advantage of making things more concrete and helps you recover a certain sense of control.
Keep good social contacts: even if you are isolated, use the technological means at your disposal to keep in touch with your loved ones at a distance. Prefer the call, the voice and the emotions to the simple written contacts. Take time to express how you feel about this situation and name your emotions. Be careful, however, not to turn all your conversations around the epidemic and talk about subjects that amuse you.
Use relaxation, meditation or self-hypnosis techniques to relax: the body cannot be both anxious and deeply relaxed. Free videos and apps exist and can help you make a big difference in your well-being.

Being confined alone
Compelled loneliness can be extremely difficult to bear. If you find yourself in this situation, be especially careful to maintain a social life by calling those you love: voice and sounds are perceived by your brain as a form of touch and are very soothing. Remember that in Switzerland total confinement has not been pronounced and that you have the right to see people by maintaining the safety distance of 2 meters and by limiting the number of people you see at the same time to 5.
A good way to break loneliness is to feel useful and to help others. Many other people are currently experiencing the same situation and networks of solidarity were quickly set up everywhere, especially through facebook. Do not hesitate to offer to help or ask for it. You can also offer your help by posting a word in your building and (re) bond with your neighbors!

Being confined with other people
Whether as a couple, family, roommate or even in a living room with colleagues, the risk of tension and violence increases significantly in a period of confinement.
Take the time to define spaces of intimacy and solitude for everyone. If there are not enough individual spaces so that everyone can isolate themselves when they feel the need, you can agree on specific times during which such person goes for example into the kitchen and wishes not to be disturbed.
In order to prevent tensions from building up, take the time to allow yourself a moment of weekly discussion during which you will share your needs in relation to the situation, it is easier to prevent than to cure.
If you feel that you are at the end of your nerves and that the violence is not far away, do not hesitate to go outside for air to decompress or to take shelter if you feel in danger.

Useful numbers and addresses during this period
For parents who need advice, help or support: 021 / 644.20.32
For people facing violence:
For questions from people 65 and over: 021 315 35 08
For people who feel alone: 143
For Callmetoplay escorts:
In addition, many therapists continue to practice by videoconference during this period: do not hesitate to seek professional help if you feel the need.

How to claim loss of earnings allowances for the self-employed?

If you are declared as self-employed and you pay APG contributions (via the AVS contribution), you can make a claim for compensation (= APG= Loss of Earnings Allowance) to your compensation fund because your work has been suspended by measures taken by the confederation.

Cantonal websites uodated the 5/11/20.


How do I get emergency help?

Losing your job overnight can put you in a very precarious situation. If you need help for your basic needs such as food, accommodation or medical care for example, you can contact the Fleur de Pavé and Aspasie associations who will look to help you as quickly as possible:
Fleur de Pavé: 021 661 31 21 or
Aspasie: 022 732 68 28 or

Customer? … how to buy online sex games

– Webcam

How it works ?
The webcam sessions are mainly based on exhibitionism and voyeurism. Once the escort has been chosen, you contact her using the information in her profile. Once agreed upon a date, the escort will send you a link to the payment system of your choice. Once she has received the money, she will send you her skype ID to start the appointment or any other information to make the appointment a reality.

How to pay ?
The escort will send you a link to an online money pot or to another payment method they choose. You will therefore pay the money completely anonymously.

How much does it cost ?
We encourage escorts to stay close to their usual rates and more than ever, we encourage you not to negotiate the prices quoted. Even without physical contact, sex work remains a job and during this period the escorts must also develop new skills and know-how for this transition to “teleworking”. We recommend taking as a reference the price of 100.- for around 15min of webcam.

What to pay attention to when making an appointment by webcam?
If there is no risk to your health, exposing yourself in a sexual situation on the internet is always risky if your contact is ill-intentioned. We encourage you to protect yourself, for example by orienting the camera so that your face and body are not visible at the same time when you show yourself in more sexual situations. You can also never show your face on the screen. Even though we consider the risk to be very low, please be aware that skype will warn you if your contact takes a screenshot during your appointment. We also invite you to be extremely respectful of the image of the escorts you contact online and to do everything to respect their anonymity as well.

Another question ?
Do not hesitate to write to us via the contact form and we will guide you as best as possible towards this new way of playing!

– Phone sex

How it works ?
The aim of the sex phone sessions is to heat you up by stimulating your most powerful sexual organ: your brain! Once the escort has been chosen, you contact her using the information in her profile. Once agreed upon a date, the escort will send you a link to the payment system of your choice. Once she is paid, she will simply answer the telephone number agreed upon

How to pay ?
The escort will send you a link to a kitty online or to another payment method. You will therefore stay anonymous while paying.
It is also possible that the escort will redirect you to a specific number (0900) for the appointment: it will automatically charge 2.50 .- / min.

How much does it cost ?
We encourage escorts to stay close to their usual rates and more than ever, we encourage you not to negotiate the prices quoted. Even without physical contact, sex work remains a work and in this particular period the escorts must in addition develop new skills and know-how for this transition to “teleworking”.
Since the phone has less physical involvement than the webcam, you may feel justified in not paying the usual hourly rate. In this case we recommend a price of 60.- for about 15 minutes of erotic conversation.

What to pay attention to when making an appointment by phone?
The good news is that it is certainly the safest way to play safely!

Another question ?
Do not hesitate to write to us via the contact form and we will guide you as best as possible towards this new way of playing!

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