When we are clients or escorts we may meet someone whose situation is of particular concern to us, for example for reasons of human trafficking, state of health, or insecurity.
In case of human trafficking, you can contact organizations specializing in human trafficking such as the as the FIZ in German-speaking Switzerland or the Centre Social Protestant Helpline (0800 20 80 20) or Astrée (021 631 03 00) in French-speaking Switzerland. You can find more information on the Swiss Platform against Human Trafficking, a network of counseling centers for victims of human trafficking.
Callmetoplay would also like to give you the opportunity to report the situation of an escort worrying you without the police being involved at first. Do not hesitate to give this person the contact of your local sexworker association (find it on the ProCoRe map). Enjoin them to contact us. If they do not dare contact us, tell us… We will reach out to them.